February 24, 2010

More Flying Car Interior

Things are starting to shape up around here. Using elements of the sofa, I've cobbled together two matching chairs set on circular swivel bases. Between them is a side table/storage cabinet. Speaking of storage, I worked some small cabinets into the frame of the entrance way, complete with sliding glass doors. I've sort of followed the guidelines of designing nautical cabins, where every effort is made to prevent injury by securing and containing loose items in case of a hard turn or capsizing. (click on images to view full size.)

The doofus on the sofa is my lame attempt at "futuristic" fashion, because in the future we will all be wearing cheesy "Logan's Run" style jumpsuits. However, in front of him is my floating coffee table which turned out way cooler than I had anticipated.

A comment by a fellow blogger got me thinking. If anti-gravity is ever developed, it won't just be limited to transportation. It'll be applied across the board, conceivably replacing the wheel in even the most mundane circumstances. Here, it replaces table legs. The two glass inserts bookend a wooden frame section. The four dots in the top are the hardware that connects the tabletop to the "gravity cancelator" (patent pending) suspended below.

Another view from underneath. The cancelator device contains an internal gyroscope which maintains a level surface and compensates for the weight of an object placed on the tabletop. This does NOT mean you can stand on it or try to use it to get away from Biff's great grandson. Hellooooo, McFly!!


  1. I love that coffee table! That's awful boss! I am imagining a sound for the cancelator like a deep humm when someone sits on the edge of it (like folks do) as the thing compensates for the weight. Plus, you could float it to the ceiling (or above head level) when you needed the floor space. -- Mykal

  2. Even if it ran silent, I would make them add a sound. Something out of the Hanna Barbera effects library. Still working on the floating control panel, thanks for the idea, Mykal.


Creative Commons License
SketchUp/Screw-up by Timothy P. Butler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.